British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BCPNP) - Skilled Immigration Streams


The British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) targets individuals who meet the province’s labour market needs and who intend to settle permanently in British Columbia.

The BC PNP accepts skilled worker applications under two pathways: Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC, each with their own sub-streams.

The Skills Immigration (SI) category targets skilled and semi-skilled workers in high-demand occupations in BC and is further divided into five components:

  • Skilled Workers
  • Healthcare Professionals
  • International Graduates
  • International Post-Graduates
  • Entry Level and Semi-Skilled Workers

Mandatory Requirements

Click to see all the mandatory requirements:

To qualify under this program, applicants must have:

  • A full-time, indeterminate job offer from a BC employer in a skilled occupation (NOC skill type 0 and skill level A or B), accepted by the prospective candidate.
  • The candidate must have the qualifications and experience required to perform the job offered.
  • Only legally acquired work experience will be considered.
  • The wage offered must be comparable to what is being paid in BC for the occupation.
  • Where the job offered is classified under skill level B, C or D, the candidate must demonstrate language proficiency CLB/NCLC 4 in English and French in all four language abilities.
  • Where the job offered is classified under skill type 0 or skill level A, valid test results are not required at the time of registration unless points are claimed for language; however, BCPNP may request test results at any time during the application process.
  • Meet the minimum income requirements according to the residence located in BC and the number of dependants.
  • Not have more than 10% equity in the BC company offering employment, in the five years preceding the application and throughout the application process.
  • BCPNP must determine there is a positive employment demand and/or outlook for the particular occupation.
  • Demonstrate the ability and intention to settle in BC